Monday, September 24, 2012


Homework Expectations

It is very important for your child to develop good homework habits at a young age! You can support your child by helping him develop a homework routine.

Homework logs should be kept in the green communication folders that go back and forth to school so that we can check on homework daily.  A new log will come home each week.

Weekly expectations:
·      Read 20 minutes per night, daily
·      Math facts - the goal is to pass one math level per week.  If your child has mastered the math facts through division - she will be taking home a math problem of the week rather than math facts. (if this is the case we will let you know)
·      Work with your word sorts a few times a week  ** if you child has master spelling patterns through 3rd grade, he will be taking home 5 content words to learn to spell.
·      Complete nightly math homework (that comes home in the folder)

You should spend 20 minutes reading and around 15 minutes on other homework each night.

Use the homework link above to access this information as well as the homework log at any time. 

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